Vote Reminder. Should the community:.

16 Nov 2023, 10:15
🚨Vote Reminder 🚨 🗳️ Should the community: 1️⃣ Migrate available ethDYDX in the community & rewards treasury to dYdX Chain (this involves upgrading the Treasury contracts), and 2️⃣ Wind down dYdX v3 rewards. Voting ends on ~Nov 18 12:57 PM UTC

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dYdXDYDX #167
16 Nov 2023, 10:15
You can vote on this proposal: ➡️ without paying gas through (vote by signature), and ➡️ using both ethDYDX and wethDYDX.
You can vote on this proposal:. without paying gas through (vote by signature), and. using both ethDYDX and wethDYDX.
You can vote on this proposal: ➡️ without paying gas through (vote by signature), and ➡️ using both ethDYDX and wethDYDX.
dYdXDYDX #167
16 Nov 2023, 10:15
The subject matter of this proposal falls under the Short Timelock Executor: 🧮 Quorum = 20M ⚖️ Vote Differential = 50%
The subject matter of this proposal falls under the Short Timelock Executor:. Quorum = 20M. Vote Differential = 50%.
The subject matter of this proposal falls under the Short Timelock Executor: 🧮 Quorum = 20M ⚖️ Vote Differential = 50%