New on-chain DIP created.

13 Sep 2023, 15:27
🗳️ New on-chain DIP created! Should the GovernanceStrategy Smart Contract get upgraded to V2 to give $wethDYDX the same utility & functionality as $ethDYDX? Voting starts on Sept 14, 2023 at 14:08 UTC Vote Details 👇

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dYdXDYDX #167
14 Sep 2023, 15:06
This DIP falls under the Long Timelock Executor that has: - 1 day delay, - 10 day voting period (assuming average of 13.2 second block time) - 100M ethDYDX Quorum and Vote Differential, and - 7 day timelock delay.
This DIP falls under the Long Timelock Executor that has:. - 1 day delay,. - 10 day voting period (assuming average of 13.
This DIP falls under the Long Timelock Executor that has: - 1 day delay,  - 10 day voting period (assuming average of 13.2 second block time) - 100M ethDYDX Quorum and Vote Differential, and - 7 day timelock delay.
dYdXDYDX #167
14 Sep 2023, 15:06
Upon a successful on-chain vote, a user holding $wethDYDX will be able to participate in dYdX v3 governance (voting and proposing). This is important to ensure dYdX v3's governance system remains robust, if and when more $ethDYDX tokens become permanently locked.
Upon a successful on-chain vote, a user holding $wethDYDX will be able to participate in dYdX v3 governance (voting and proposin
Upon a successful on-chain vote, a user holding $wethDYDX will be able to participate in dYdX v3 governance (voting and proposing). This is important to ensure dYdX v3's governance system remains robust, if and when more $ethDYDX tokens become permanently locked.
dYdXDYDX #167
14 Sep 2023, 15:06
🔊Voting is live! 🔊 🗳️ Should the community upgrade the GovernanceStrategy Smart Contract to GovernanceStrategyV2? Voting ends on Sep 23 at 17:06 UTC ℹ️👇
Voting is live. Should the community upgrade the GovernanceStrategy Smart Contract to GovernanceStrategyV2.
🔊Voting is live! 🔊 🗳️ Should the community upgrade the GovernanceStrategy Smart Contract to GovernanceStrategyV2? ⏰ Voting ends on Sep 23 at 17:06 UTC ℹ️👇
dYdXDYDX #167
13 Sep 2023, 15:27
This DIP falls under the Long Timelock Executor. The Long Timelock Executor params are - - 1 day delay, - 10 day voting period, - 100M ethDYDX Quorum and Vote Differential, and - 7 day timelock delay.
This DIP falls under the Long Timelock Executor. The Long Timelock Executor params are -. - 1 day delay,.
This DIP falls under the Long Timelock Executor. The Long Timelock Executor params are - - 1 day delay,  - 10 day voting period,  - 100M ethDYDX Quorum and Vote Differential, and - 7 day timelock delay.
dYdXDYDX #167
13 Sep 2023, 15:27
Upon a successful on-chain vote, a user holding $wethDYDX will be able to participate in dYdX v3 governance (voting and proposing). This is important to ensure dYdX v3's governance system remains robust, if and when more $ethDYDX tokens become permanently locked.
Upon a successful on-chain vote, a user holding $wethDYDX will be able to participate in dYdX v3 governance (voting and proposin
Upon a successful on-chain vote, a user holding $wethDYDX will be able to participate in dYdX v3 governance (voting and proposing). This is important to ensure dYdX v3's governance system remains robust, if and when more $ethDYDX tokens become permanently locked.